• +91 - 9819 39 8222
  • info@reversologic.com
  • Opera House, Mumbai 400004

About Us

Meet the minds behind the better returns movement here at ReversoLogic.

Who We Are

Empowering businesses to transform their inventory returns into competitive advantage is at the core of who we are. We’re not building “good enough” solutions that check the box, we’re returns experts with decades of experience and passionate about providing our customers with the RMA.
Reversologic not only solves the returns logistics puzzle, we optimize it. Find out how we make happier customers and better businesses the outcome of every return.
We’re on a mission To help every business achieve unfair advantage in their marketplace through smarter returns that delight and deliver.

Our Pillars of Value


We believe software should be simple and intuitive. Every part of our platform is built to empower and equip every user, so that the C-suite to the warehouse can easily navigate and leverage ReverseLogix to work smarter.


Reverso should be flexible, extensible and scalable We know smart businesses evolve, so easy configurability and adaptability are at the core of our platform, ready to handle your challenges today and tomorrow.


You’ve got to see your business to improve it. We capture and connect every bit of data in your ecosystem so that you always have the full picture in front of you. Purpose-built analytics dashboards then help see where and how to improve that picture.

Cost Efficiency

Efficiency Automate and scale returns processing. Optimize logistics and warehouse operations. Maximize net recovery across channels.

Our Story

Managing returns is a real challenge for businesses. They’re disjointed, unoptimized and negatively affect customer relationships. Smart returns transform a disappointing hassle into a positive experience and loyal customer, and minimize loss and maximize business intelligence at every point in the supply chain.

Ready to simplify your returns management?